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A powerful library for building GUI in Rust.

To call CSS you need to create a .css file somewhere in and point to it at the beginning of your app with a line like this one :

macro_rules! CSS_PATH {
    () => {
        concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/style.css")

To give a class to an item you hand it over in the Layout Implementation of your app with a line such as :


Display Glitch

I am currently encountering a problem on my RBS while running the examples and even simple test programs I write with the redrawing. The content of the application disappears then reappears leaving a white blank page in between. I do not yet know where this comes from. For further investigation I will test the same examples and test programs on my main computer.

Text overflows the div

There seems to be a problem with divs and large text where some letters get cropped :

Window overflow

Sometimes when running an example the program launches multiple identical windows (clones of the program in a way) perfectly stacked on top of each other. Moving the windows around reveals the glitch.

  • programming/azul.1570476442.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/06/01 16:36
  • (external edit)