PolyEthylene Terephthalate (with a Glycol modification)
- Good mechanical and temperature resistance. Stronger than ABS
- Can be translucent
- UV and weather resistant
- Painting and Gluing PET-G can be tricky, check 3M advices.
How to print PET-G
Start from a PLA settings that works well with your machine.
Lower the fan settings to 20 - 50 % (min/max) and adjust temperature to the filament suggestion (around 230°C minimum)
PET-G has a tendency to string quite a lot so increasing retract length (to above 1mm for a direct drive) is recommended. You can also burn off the stringing parts with a hot air gun afterwards. You can also try a faster retraction speed (or a slower one) to try and get better results.
Don't print PET-G on glass beds.