This is an old revision of the document!
Wing Chun
Unit conversions
- 1 kts = 1,852 km/h
Tips de bricolage
- Framboise 314 Site français de passioné de Raspberry Pi
- Script 8 Make 8 bit mini games online
- Escenicas Instructables Channel Lots of easy to do projects
Tools & Interesting Software
- Affinity Designer > Non-free modern software for vectorial graphic and design
In case of AppImage crashes try removing the ~/.config/kdenlive-appimagerc file to regenerate it.
Sites ressources
- Fictiv Hardware Guide Infos liés à la conception & impression 3D d'objets
- The Plywood Site avec pleins d'infos sur le bois contre-plaqué et beaucoup de tutos et DIY
- 3 AxisSite de partage de DXF pour machines numériques
- Circuit Basics Site de tutos sur circuits
- The Book of Shaders Super introduction à l'univers des shaders en programmation
Network / IT
- Ralf Baecker Artiste numérique allemand
- MG Security and WiFi hacking
- Pierre di Sciullo Graphiste faisant entre autres la com de La Colline. Travail intéressant autour de la typo
- Kurt Hentschläger Artiste numérique
- Marc Teyssier Designer numérique
- Violet Orlandi Singer
- Walt Whitman Poet
Privacy ressources
Information sites
Alternative search engines
- Swiss CowsPrivacy oriented
Upcoming / Interesting techs for freedom/privacy
Smartphone devices
- Purism, pure OS and free device Librem5 > Smartphone
- Sailfish OS on device Jolla Fully GNU-Linux based distribution on custom hardware
- Scuttlebutt Decentralized protocol. Awesome doc, clean and clear.
Disques Durs
Web dev
Windows hacks & tips
Art Numérique
- Chaos Computer Club
- Atari Punk Console
- UTF-8 : Unified Text Format (8 bits)
Life Hacks
Unclog a shower tap
Soak a bag of beer over it for a few hours.
Clean a kettle or water boiler from scale
Put a few lemons and some coke in it then turn on the kettle.
Reveal germs
Put a piece of red tape and a piece of blue tape on a flash light.
Put a paper clip back in place
Dip it in hot water. No matter how it was unfolded it will come back to place. That is metal memory.