
This is an old revision of the document!


PATH is the environment variable containing a set of directories that should be searched for programs

#print user PATH
$ printenv PATH
#How it works
$ ping
           │     │
           │     ╰──▶ /sbin/ping ?  found!
           ╰──▶ /bin/ping ?  not found.

Install the binary

There is debate as to where binaries that you install yourself should be put in the filesystem. The proper places to put them seem to be :

/opt/ <- for bundled applications, typically grabbed from a software developper
/usr/local/ <- for applications built by the administrator for local use, i.e. using "make" or other
/home/USER/opt/ <- for single-user use only

FHS Reference

Add it to the user's PATH

Include the following line in /home/USER/.profile :

EXPORT PATH="/path/to/bin/folder:$PATH"

This will only be active after logging out. If you want to activate it without logging out for a current shell session run the following command :

$ source /home/USER/.profile

Note that the path must point to the folder containing the binary and not to the binary itself.

If you're using Cinnammon and want to use the GUI Editor you can right-click on the “Menu” icon and select “configure” or launch :


If you want to use the command line you can create a symbolic link to a .desktop file anywhere on your system and place that link in /usr/share/applications

ln -s path/to/target/file.desktop LINK_NAME

Make sure the .desktop file has proper permissions :

sudo chmod 644 path/to/file.desktop 

The menu entry will appear upon logging out/logging back in

There are various ways to limit the CPU usage of a process. One simple way is using 'cpulimit'

cpulimit -P /path/to/executable -l %CPU (e.g. 40) -b (background)

Ressource site

To quickly install folders containing many OpenType fonts (OTF) or TrueType fonts (TTF), copy to the following locations :

sudo cp -r /path/to/OTF-folder /usr/share/fonts/opentype/
sudo cp -r /path/to/TTF-folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

Regenerate font cache :

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Note : This will install fonts system-wide. To install for a single user only copy the files to :


and regenerate font cache.

Use (pdftk (ubuntu) → deprecated) or pdf-stapler (fedora) :

For example to extract two pages out of a pdf

<del>$ pdftk in.pdf cat 3-4 output out.pdf</del>
$ pdf-stapler cat in.pdf 2-3 out.pdf


pdfshuffler is a front end for python-pyPdf and a great tool for merging or splitting pdf files with a GUI.

When FAT32 filesystems mount in read-only it's often related to corrupted filesystem.

Run dmesg to check. If you see lines such as :

[54259.098330] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, corrupted directory (invalid entries)
[54259.098338] FAT-fs (sdb1): Filesystem has been set read-only
[54304.610623] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, corrupted directory (invalid entries)
[54304.690012] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0xf7d0f91e)
[54304.690213] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0xff27ff23)
[54304.690314] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0xff0dff13)

Run the following command :

sudo umount /dev/sdX#
sudo fsck.msdos -aw /dev/sdX#

Stack Exchange thread on the subject

Try Test Disk & PhotoRec written by Christophe Grenier

For .mov

PhotoRec 7.1-WIP In FileOptsMenu check :

[X] mov/mdat Recover mdat atom as a separate file

Two files are created for every .mov recovered. Concatenate with :

cat >
cat >

One of the two files will be good. Sometimes one file is .mp4 and the other is .mov :

cat f54114560.mp4 >

If a NTFS volume mounts in read-only, remount using :

mkdir /mnt/ntfs
mount -t ntfs /dev/sd[X] /mnt/ntfs


  • /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf


  • ~/.mplayer/config
  • ~/.mplayer/input.conf
  • ~/.mplayer/menu.conf
fs=yes #enable fullscreen

Required packages


Find USB Drive (usually sr0 or sr1)

$ ls /dev | grep 'dvd'

Send activation byte sequence (change sr0 accordingly if needed)

$ sg_raw /dev/sr0 EA 00 00 00 00 00 01

This is not specifically linux-related but since every time I install it (especially on MacOS systems) it's such a pain to find the plugins/ folder from where to remove the plugins blocking the trial version of QCAD here's an easy way to find them :

Go to Help > About > Plugins and just click on the name of one of the plugins.

In MacOS it will be QCAD > About > Plugins instead.

Start stop the server using :

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start/stop

Put your sites and data in :


Identify your wired interface card module. Realtek 8169 is known to have this issue with some kernels.

$ lsmod

Look for :

hid                   118784  2 usbhid,hid_generic
ahci                   36864  4
r8169                  86016  0
libahci                32768  1 ahci
mii                    16384  1 r8169

Edit (create if it doesn't exist) the file :

$nano /etc/pm/config.d/unload_modules

Append the following line :


Replace module name if necessary

Note to self : Added “mii” module to the list, the fix didn't seem to hold after reboot. Mii seems to be using r8169 and is network-monitoring-related

  • Kazam : only one tried at the moment, produces OK files and you can select a specific region you want to capture
  • gtk-recordmydesktop
  • vokoscreen
  • simplescreenrecorder
    • add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder

Create an alias using command

alias name='command'

The alias is only in place while the user session is active. To make it permanent, write it in the .bashrc file in the home directory of the user. (more info)

Mass renaming files

Debian Admin guide to mass renaming You can use for commands in the shell or use the 'rename' tool (written in perl). For example :

skx@lappy:~$ ls
a.JPG  b.JPG  c.JPG  d.JPG
skx@lappy:~$ for i in *.JPG; do mv "$i" "${i/.JPG}"; done
skx@lappy:~$ ls
a.jpg  b.jpg  c.jpg  d.jpg


Remove sections from input and output them

$ date
Thu 02 Jan 2020 08:20:10 PM CET
$ date | cut -c17-24


Locate a binary

$ type man
man is /usr/bin/man


Display Present Working Directory

$ pwd


$ lsb_release -d



$ lscpu

Detailed, core-specific information, output /proc/cpuinfo

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

Mounted devices

$ df -h


$ uname -snrm
  • s : kernel name
  • n : network node hostname
  • r : kernel relase number
  • m : machine hardware name

Kernel modules

$ lsmod

Bash history


D-Bus/system bus history

g-feet //gui history
  • linux/start.1578337637.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/06/01 16:35
  • (external edit)