Enable Viewport settings : Cavity / Both
Set dimensions 4 / 6 / 3.5
Set Z : 1.75
Extrude roof, merge at center (M
Separate roof (P
) and light scale on Y
Extrude roof along normals (Enable Offset Even option)
Bevel top roof edge and extrude sides along normals (O.2)
Create chimney : scale down, scale Z, Extrude top, Inset, extrude down
Create Loop cut on bottom of house for flooring (CTRL
+ R
Select base face loop and extrude + scale out
Prepare a door cut-out shape and apply transformations to Door and House (CTRL
+ A
Use Difference Boolean to cut door then delete excess mesh in house door.
Inset front face of door (disable Boundary option) and light extrude inside
Create door knob with a 8 sided cylinder, scale down and place on house
Create window cutout cube and place at proper depth
Set Origin point to 3D cursor (RIGHT-CLICK
) (3D Cursor should be at world origin)
Mirror modifier along Y axis and boolean modifier on cubes
Delete cubes
Separate left window bottom face
Inset face, vertical loop cut x2 and scale down along Y axis (Use option tab)
Horizontal loop cut x2 and scale down along Z axis
Dissolve faces on the inset
Extrude created frame outwards
Delete other cut-out bottom face in house and mirror window to other side
Add two loop cuts to house base and scale down along Y
Extrude out to create upper step
Knife in the middle (SHIFT
) and extrude bottom half to create bottom step