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network:fiber-optics [2022/08/29 09:26] mhnetwork:fiber-optics [2024/02/22 10:11] (current) – [To Do on this page] mh
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 <WRAP round info> <WRAP round info>
-**The speed of light in free space is 3.10⁸m/s**+**The speed of light in free space is $c = 3.10⁸ (m/s)$**
-Fiber optics propagate light using the **[[|refractive index]]** of different materials. It is the ratio of the speed of light in free space to the speed of light in a given material.+Fiber optics propagate light using the **[[|refractive index]]** of different materials.  
 +It is the ratio of the speed of light in free space to the speed of light in a given material.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-In fiber-optics, spectrum notation is generally stated in wavelength (nm) over frequency (Hz) because it is easier to use. +In fiber-optics, spectrum notation is generally stated in wavelength ($nm$) over frequency ($Hz$) because it is easier to use.
 +<WRAP round tip>
 +$\lambda=\frac{c}{f}$ and $f=\frac{c}{\lambda}$ where $\lambda$ is wavelength ($nm$) and $f$ is frequency ($Hz$) and $c$ is the speed of light (approx. 2.10⁸ m/s)
 +**As wavelength increases, frequency decreases.**
 +When discussing Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM), frequency is preferred, in $THz$
 +==== Electromagnetic spectrum ====
 +<WRAP round tip>
 +**Infra**-red and **Ultra**-violet are prefixed using **frequency** in mind : 
 +  *infrared has a lower frequency than the red in the visible spectrum (thus a higher wavelength)
 +  * ultraviolets have a higher frequency than the edge of our visible spectrum (thus a lower wavelength)
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 <WRAP round todo> <WRAP round todo>
 Insert electromagnetic chart. Insert electromagnetic chart.
-Give both spectrums and highlight the relation between nm and Hz. As wavelength goes up, frequencies go down, etc. 
 Link to wikipedia page on light spectrum. Link to wikipedia page on light spectrum.
  • network/fiber-optics.1661757998.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/29 09:26
  • by mh