====== Ressources ====== ===== Wing Chun ===== * [[https://wingchunlexicon.com/|Wing Chun Lexicon Blog]] * [[https://mindfulwingchun.online/|Mindful Wing Chun Blog]] * [[https://wingchunjourney.co.uk/|Wing Chun Journey Blog]] ===== Unit conversions ===== ***1 kts** = 1,852 km/h ===== Tips de bricolage ===== *[[ressources:bricolage_tips|Bricolage]] *[[ressources:aiguisage_couteau|Aiguisage de Couteaux]] ===== Fablabs ===== *[[fablabs:portes_ouvertes|Idées intéressantes à faire en Portes ouvertes de fablabs]] *[[fablabs:dessiner_oscilloscope|Afficher des animations sur un oscilloscope avec du son]] *[[https://www.instructables.com/id/Make-your-own-PCBs-on-an-inexpensive-desktop-CNC-m/|Graver des PCB avec une CNC]] *[[https://www.framboise314.fr/|Framboise 314]] //Site français de passioné de Raspberry Pi// *[[https://script-8.github.io/|Script 8]] //Make 8 bit mini games online// *[[https://lowtechlab.org/wiki/Accueil|Low Tech Lab]] *[[https://www.instructables.com/id/ESCENICAS/|Escenicas Instructables Channel]] //Lots of easy to do projects// *[[https://www.ivanmiranda.com/diy-3d-printed-cnc-mk-ii|Custom 3D printed CNC]] {{youtube>_atw3e0nIrg}} ===== Vidéo ===== *[[https://www.lightform.com/|Lightform LF1]] > //Hardware & software pour assist mapping rapide// *[[ressources:vlc_subs|Hardcode subtitles with VLC]] *[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVwxzDHniEw|Freya Holmer's Beauty of Bezier Curves Video]] ===== Tools & Interesting Software ===== *[[https://affinity.serif.com/fr/designer/|Affinity Designer]] > //Non-free modern software for vectorial graphic and design// ===== Kdenlive ===== *[[https://userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual|Kdenlive Official Manual]] In case of AppImage crashes try removing the ~/.config/kdenlive-appimagerc file to regenerate it. ===== Sites ressources ===== *[[https://www.fictiv.com/hwg|Fictiv Hardware Guide]] //Infos liés à la conception & impression 3D d'objets// *[[http://theplywood.com/|The Plywood]] //Site avec pleins d'infos sur le bois contre-plaqué et beaucoup de tutos et DIY // *[[https://www.3axis.co|3 Axis]]//Site de partage de DXF pour machines numériques// *[[http://www.circuitbasics.com/|Circuit Basics]] //Site de tutos sur circuits// *[[https://thebookofshaders.com/|The Book of Shaders]] //Super introduction à l'univers des shaders en programmation// ===== Network / IT ===== *[[https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/check-network-connection-linux/|Useful Linux commands for network monitoring]] ===== Artistes ===== *[[http://www.rlfbckr.org/|Ralf Baecker]] //Artiste numérique allemand// *[[https://mg.lol/blog/|MG]] //Security and WiFi hacking// *[[http://quiresiste.com|Pierre di Sciullo]] //Graphiste faisant entre autres la com de La Colline. Travail intéressant autour de la typo// *[[http://kurthentschlager.com/|Kurt Hentschläger]] //Artiste numérique// *[[https://marcteyssier.com|Marc Teyssier]] //Designer numérique// *[[https://violetorlandi.com/|Violet Orlandi]] //Singer// *[[https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/walt-whitman|Walt Whitman]] //Poet// ===== Manifesto ===== *[[https://bootlicker.party/posts/manifesto-for-communist-technology-use/|~nand Manifesto]] *[[https://www.ifixit.com/Manifesto|Fix it!]] //If you can't fix it, you don't own it !// *[[https://2017.ind.ie/ethical-design/|Ethical Design]] //Build for people, around respect// ===== Privacy ressources ===== ==== Information sites ==== *[[https://myshadow.org/|Me and my (digital) shadow]] *[[https://contractfortheweb.org/|Contract for the web]] *[[https://small-tech.org/|Small Tech]] : Founded by Aral Balkan and Laura Kalbag post 2018. ==== Alternative search engines ==== *[[https://swisscows.ch/|Swiss Cows]]//Privacy oriented// ==== Upcoming / Interesting techs for freedom/privacy ==== === Smartphone devices === *[[https://pureos.net/|Purism, pure OS and free device]] //Librem5 > Smartphone// *[[https://sailfishos.org/about/|Sailfish OS]] on device [[https://jolla.com/|Jolla]] //Fully GNU-Linux based distribution on custom hardware// === Other === *[[https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/|Scuttlebutt]]// Decentralized protocol. Awesome doc, clean and clear.// ==== Informatique ==== === Disques Durs === *[[https://www.cbltech.de/pressezentrum/saving-your-data-after-a-head-crash|Saving your data after a HDD crash]] *[[https://www.extremetech.com/computing/133294-raising-the-dead-can-a-regular-person-repair-a-damaged-hard-drive|Raising the dead : can a normal person repair a damaged HDD]] === Web dev === *[[https://html5up.net|HTML 5 Up]] //Site de templates HTML5/CSS3 gratuits// *[[https://tympanus.net/codrops/|Codrops]] //Useful ressources CSS/HTML// === Windows hacks & tips === *[[ressources:windows|Windows]] ==== Art Numérique ==== *[[https://tympanus.net/Development/AudioVisualizers/index4.html|Audio visualisation on p5js]] *[[http://www.waterlightgraffiti.com|Waterlight Graffiti by Antonin Fourneau]] ==== Divers ==== *Chaos Computer Club *Atari Punk Console *UTF-8 : Unified Text Format (8 bits) *[[ressources:notable_people|People of Interest]] *[[https://feltmagnet.com/crafts/CandlesMakeANewCandleFromLeftOverCandleStubs|Make new candles out of stubs]] ===== Autres ===== *[[ressources:quotes|Quotes]] *[[ressources:plantes|Plantes]] *[[https://www.neom.com/en-us|Neom]] - Building 'The Line' city and other futuristic-city projects in Saudi Arabia ===== Life Hacks ===== === Unclog a shower tap === Soak a bag of beer over it for a few hours. ---- === Clean a kettle or water boiler from scale === Put a few lemons and some coke in it then turn on the kettle. ---- === Reveal germs === Put a piece of red tape and a piece of blue tape on a flash light. ---- === Put a paper clip back in place === Dip it in hot water. No matter how it was unfolded it will come back to place. That is metal memory. ----