====== Raspberry Pi & Infrared Proximity Sensor ======
Work in progress
===== General =====
==== Components ====
*[[composants:2Y0A21|Sharp 2Y0A21F Infrared sensor]]
*[[composants:mcp3008|MCP3008 ADC]]
*Raspberry Pi - any model
*Breadboard, jumpers, etc.
==== Wiring ====
|^ RPi Pin #^ ^Role ^ MCP3008 Pin #^ ^Role |
| 1| |3.3V| 16| |VDD |
| 1| |3.3V | 15| |VREF |
| 6| |GND | 14| |AGND |
| 19| |GPIO 10 (MOSI) | 11| |DIN |
| 21| |GPIO 9 (MISO) | 12| |DOUT |
| 23| |GPIO 11 (SLCK) | 13| |CLK |
| 24| |GPIO 8 (CE0) | 10| |CS/SHDN |
| 6| |GND | 9| |DGND |
There are two different wirings, this one is for hardware SPI. Another one is used for software SPI
===== Steps =====
*Installed raspbian
*Activated SPI in raspi-config
*wired a MCP3008 and a sharp IR module to the GPIO pins
*followed tuto on python but did not get data from module (read 0.00)
*rewired to software SPI (needs documenting)
*installed rust in tty with lightdm stopped
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
*reboot to activate rust
===== Ressources =====
*[[https://tutorials-raspberrypi.com/infrared-distance-measurement-with-the-raspberry-pi-sharp-gp2y0a02yk0f/|Blog post Tutorial]]